Breaks and Binds

Text commissioned by composer Aura Bouw, for a cyclical art installation, 2023

Uitwaaien (NL)

Text for performance, commissioned by composer Aura Bouw, 2022

No Evil

Libretto for an animated opera (Watch the making-of here), 2021

Een lichaam dat zichzelf heeft neergelegd (NL)

Text for performance on location, commissioned by choreographer Emma Hanekroot, 2020


Text for performance based on the independent work 'Dijk', Nieuwe Types Festival, 2017


Het bos in mij

Advice & Dramaturgy, Graduation Performance Julie Perrée, 2024

Ponta Nento

Theatrical Concert, Stichting de Notenwolk, 2024

Concept: Lotte Janssen

Pinocchio Effect

Family performance, Maas Theater & Dans/Scapino Ballet, 2023

Directed by: Cecilia Moisio


Yellow days, yellow haze

Performance, Peeled Collective, 2022

Directed by: Emma Hanekroot & Emma Versluys

Postcards from a better place

Performance, Lunatics & Poets/Club Guy & Roni, 2022

Directed by: Lunatics & Poets

Nobody's Tree of Life

Performance, Josse Vessies/Duda Paiva Company, 2021-2022

Directed by: Josse Vessies

The people around us share our name

Performance, Peeled Collective, 2021

Directed by: Emma Hanekroot & Emma Versluys


VR-production, HIPS Performance & New Media, 2020


Het Metameer (NL)

Graduation performance Creative Writing ArtEZ, 2023

Ode aan de Betekenis (NL)

Performance and later a short film, De Nieuwe Oost | Wintertuin, 2019/2021


Performance in collaboration with choreographer Emma Hanekroot, Nieuwe Types Festival, 2017


Razzmatazz! (2024)

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Directed by: Mart van Berckel

My First Tragedy: Iphigeneia (2023)

NITE/Club Guy & Roni

Directed by: Mart van Berckel & Angela Herenda

Club Guy & Roni Invites: Mohamed Yusuf Boss + Lunatics & Poets (2022)

Double bill van NITE/Club Guy & Roni

'Laba', directed by: Mohamed Yusuf Boss

'Postcards from a better place', directed by: Lunatics & Poets

Schumann & Zn - Het Gewicht van een Naam (2022)

Consensus Vocalis

Directed by: Mart van Berckel

Zinderella (2021)

Youth performance, NITE/Maas Theater & Dans

Directed by: Moniek Merkx

Als het Sneeuwt (2021)

Simone de Jong Company

Directed by: Simone de Jong

ALL THAT FOLLOWS. A Symphony (2021)

NITE/Club Guy & Roni

Directed by: Mart van Berckel

Dromenblazers (2020)


Directed by: Mart van Berckel

Een Kersentuin (2018)


Directed by: Mart van Berckel

Iedereen Tegelijk (2018)

Gradutation performance MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam

Directed by: Mart van Berckel

Blinden (2018)

De Nieuwe Oost

Directed by: Mart van Berckel

For more projects, explore the Literature and Audio tabs.

To get in touch with Merit, feel free to visit the Contact page.